Finish your BCBA fieldwork hours on time

Making a mistake in your BCBA Fieldwork requirements can waste hundreds of hours and delay completion by months

Let Us Help
Graduation cap and diploma - a symbol of completion and success in the BCBA fieldwork requirements.

Save yourself from a costly mistake

Annie a common mistake — misunderstanding the restricted and unrestricted requirements. This cost her 300 wasted hours and delayed her completion by three months.

Annie, a BCBA student, is overworked and stressed. She is holding her head in her hands.
  • A tick in a circle

    Create a monthly plan to finish every requirement by your target completion date

  • A tick in a circle

    Track your progress every month to stay on schedule

  • A tick in a circle

    Document all of your hours, and we’ll keep your records for the required seven years

  • A tick in a circle

    Create your Monthly Fieldwork Verification Form, sign it, and send it to your supervisor — all digitally

Manage your supervisees’ fieldwork hours without touching paper

Monitor your supervisees’ fieldwork logs and sign their monthly fieldwork verification forms, and do it all digitally. Never bother with a printed monthly form again. Our platform is free for supervisors.

A supervisor is reviewing a supervisee's fieldwork logs and signing a digital form.Sign up for Supervisor Portal

Have some feedback?

BCBA Hour Tracker is currently in beta, and we welcome feedback.

Hour Tracker Logo - a cute puzzle piece

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